Monday 13 March 2017

Run-D.M.C & J Cole

Run-D.M.C were a rap group established in 1981 and arguably one of the most influential artists within hip-hop genre. The three men in the group – Jason Mizell, Darryl McDaniels and Joseph Simmons – helped pave the way for emerging hip-hop artists. Run-D.M.C along with LL Cool J and Public Enemy were part of a new emerging rap generation called the ‘new school’ of the hip-hop genre. They were among the first within this specific genre to win a Grammy and also the first to have their album go gold.

‘Walk This Way’ was a Run-D.M.C cover of the rock group Aerosmith; this showed that although both groups are from different genres and both had differences in terms of backgrounds and identity, it was still possible to create a song that ranched out to different fan bases. The music video highlights these differences and it is evident to see through the fashion choices Aerosmith and Run-D.M.C have. At the beginning of the video you see members of the rap group and the rock group in separate rooms next to each other, the hip-hop artists hear the loud rock music and  become upset due to the noise, this shows how a crossover of genres such as these were extremely rare during the 80s and as well before. This collaboration highlights the growing change within 80s culture as individuals had a growing sense of freedom in terms of identity, just because you are a part of a certain social grouping doesn’t mean you have to have stereo typical ideals that reflect your background.

J Cole is a talented rapper that not only is successful because of the production of his music but because of the depth that his lyrics show. He tackles contemporary issues that mainly relate to America but in certain cases worldwide. He uses a poetic style of rap in his songs and tends to tell stories of his of his upbringing and problems that his community had while growing up and have to this day.

‘High for Hours’ is a song that reflects America’s hypocrisy throughout history, from the offset of the first verse he attacks America’s past faults.                                                                                              

‘American hypocrisy, oh, let me count the ways                                                                                               They came here seekin’ freedom                                                                                                                  Then they end up ownin’ slaves’

He continues to speak about his meeting with former President Barack Obama, acknowledging that there has been change as the most powerful man of the country at one point was an African American. However he argues that there isn’t enough support for young African Americans. He asks Obama ‘As the President, what’s keepin’ you from helpin’ niggas out?’. This highlights a range of issues that effects the ethnic minorities within America such as police brutality and racial profiling. Within the lyrics of this song Cole attacks America’s military as he believes that America does the ‘same shit’ as ISIS, he believes that both sides ‘take a life and call it righteous’. This is an extremely controversial point to make but it highlights that some of the decisions America makes for example war is highly hypocritical. This song represents todays era as it shows how individuals within America and across the world are critical towards government, increasingly now due to Donald Trump becoming the President.

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