Tuesday 7 March 2017

National Vietnam War Museum

12685 Mineral Wells Hwy, Weatherford, Texas

The museum has a motto of "remembering, honouring. Understanding" it highlight how unpopular and misunderstanding that is around the Vietnam war. IT was seen as the defining era is many lives and this Museum is all about the experience that each person has with the war. Along with teaching the next generation about what happened. This Museum separates itself from over such as the in Washington D.C are about recognise the sacrifice of the 58,245 that gave their life in one of the most divisive wars in that time. Whereas this museum memorials have tried to aid in healing the wounds that were brought on by the war. It doesn't want to put the blame on to anyone impartial just provide a but understand for many. 
It really wants to focus on how misunderstood, people at this time where and how they weren't always treated in the way they should have been. It outlines how the misrepresentation of these people, being that of over half millions Soilders of the US or the Millions of Vietnamese along with Australians, New Zealanders and many others. 

Also, every iconic image, from the artwork and the vehicles used are displayed in a way to educate and allow a better understanding. Also having it in Texas allows the outside exhibits to have an almost truer setting then they would have done in other parts of American, as Texas has the barren wasteland feel to it. 


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