Tuesday 28 February 2017

Modern Saint #271

This story outline a prostitute and how she became one. It also discusses how her relationship with her pimp, Bob who start as a friend along with was very intelligent. Bob himself can be seen as falling on hard times becoming a taxi driver with a double PhD. Bob didn't take the role of the pimp has many would have viewed it, he wasn't harsh or damaging, and it was up to her how much money she hands over to him, she allowed him to become and kept a man. "I paid bills, brought his ribbons, and if I felt like handing over any extra money to him, it was up to me" The job also allowed her in a time when women didn't really have the financial independence to have that. It was really herself that kept her on track to pay the bills, with her "nightly quota". Although this laid back attention wasn't always something always she needed, she outlines that she wishes Bob was more aggressive. Instead of just showing up to the flowers and food at the hospital after a hard tonight. But she realised that she wasn't able to embrace that kind of lifestyle, there were pimps called the shots, had a knife and pushed her towards anyone with money. "That was genuinely alien to me, despite my middle-class up bring" Also the way she talks about penises, how she was grateful she didn't have one, during this time many women felt that the only way they could have got anywhere in life was either being a man, unfortunate that wasn't an objects, so the next best thing was to ride on the back of a man success.

The out the story she talks about taking parts of people or thing for a price. "I was like a social worker for lepers" Which is interesting because she is a Jewish girl, who really plays into the stereotype of Jewish are all good with money and are very materialistic, she every talks about how it was in her DNA, and she would have hope to have grown out of it once she has everything she desired. Although she was Jewish, as a child liked books about women going to a convent, being allowed to give them self to something higher, which she couldn't be because she was Jewish. She can't do what her Daddy wanted; she had to rebel against him, the school she was at, really anyone she could. Her father tried to "sort her out" sent her to an institution for treatment, but in her eyes the solution to her problem to sent her a co-ed school, then at least the need to rebel would not have been so provident. She slept with a man member of staff, by the way, she writes of it just to pass the time as she was bored and needed another reason to piss her father off. Also, the stereotype comes back into play, as her father came in to save the day with money once again, the school would never think more of them then he was just a rich jew. Along with how the Dean, never saw a future for "a girl like me."

She discusses her job as her vocation, almost like it was that job she was made to do, and she keeps comparing her life to one as such in a convent. "As in the convent, life is not easy... " It's like she's given herself up to something more to allow her to reach her destiny, even though it is a hard life it is where she meant to be
.  Image result for slave of new york book

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