Monday 13 February 2017

200 Riot After Police Shoot Black : 30 Arrested, 1 Hurt as Protest in N.J. City Turns Violent

August 29, 1989:

In 1989 in Vineland, New Jersey a riot had broke out at around 11pm and last for most of the night, order was not restored until 4am the next morning. This was a very large riot, consisting of around 200 people smashing windows, who then looted stores, the damage made was extreme, about 40 buildings were damaged along a one mile stretch of a downtown street. They were ultimately battling over the shooting of a black man named Samuel Williams, aged 26, shot dead by police. Samuel Williams was killed by a white police officer, after Williams reportedly threatened the officer with a steel rod. According to the officer the shooting was down to self defence as he felt threatened and was in fear of his life.

Image result for vineland new jersey riots

The following quotes are from the LA Times Newspaper,  Vinelannd Police, Lt. Ed Zatzariny said that 'Things are out of hand, they are going crazy to retaliate for the (police) shooting.' This article goes on to say how a march took place,chanting  'We want Justice.' This march consisted of around 100 marchers who continued to march to the downtown section of Vineland, which was predominantly white. 

In the 1980's police brutality accompanied with race was expected due to the era, however the short clip below shows a riot in America from 2016, due to police brutality and unfair treatment towards black people. It is very sad to see this still happening and infers how it may never end.

Furthermore the recent riots in North Carolina, Charlotte, indicates how police brutality against minorities is a continuing issue. Police brutality is an re-occurring problem in the states and across the world. This portrays how corrupt police forces continue to make the same mistakes as that of the 1980's; Vineland, New Jersey riots.

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