Tuesday 31 January 2017

Dynasty 1981-1989 (TV Series)


Image result for Dynasty (TV series)

Dynasty was a prime soap during the 1980's, it is all about wealthy clans with big shoulder pads, arguing and conflicting about how to deal or manage money and their children. The show comes across as a hierarchical set up, all about the high class families. The short  clip below shows this iconic 80's imagery, starring Joan Collins, the women in the clip are clearly very wealthy, this is noticeable just by their attire and jewels. The clip also features the 80's iconic hair styles, both ladies have their hair full of volume and weight, either and up do or down.

In addition to the clip above, this next clip also shows 'Dynasty' as a representation of the 80's. The opening scene of this clip shows a 'yuppie' styled attire from the male who is clearly very wealthy as he walks into his mansion. A yuppie was a term used during the 80's to describe a wealthy city worker, usually dressed in smart designer suits and fashionable accessories. This clip also shows how fashion was changing, the blonde lady has a very masculine jacket on with huge shoulder pads, making her seem very broad shouldered. 

On the other hand, this show may not be the best representation of the 80's as it completley focuses on wealthy families and does not portray lower class families and the diversity that their was in this era. Dynasty leans towards the idea of the American Dream as being wealthy and fashionable. Even though this show does reflect the 80's era by the typical fashion is does not portray other tyoes of families.

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